Performer Spotlight: Mapmaker @ Mickey and the Magical Map

“There’s no place I’d rather be…”

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So I’ll simply start this one off by saying:

Best. Dancer. In. The. Entire. Disneyland. Resort.

Seriously. This guy is EXQUISITE. I appreciate the talent and enthusiasm of a lot of dancers in the various park shows and I’m a big fan of many of them (hello, Hottest/Most Dazzling Deck in Town!).

But there are dancers and there are DANCERS. And this guy – is a DANCER.

Every move is finished. Every extension – perfection. He’s someone that I could watch endlessly and never tire of. The line of every motion he makes is just… art.

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His effortless moves elevate any performance he’s in. And while I find it pretty much impossible to take my eyes off of him when he’s on the Magical Map stage, I think he inspires the dancers around him to do their best when they’re near him! Or maybe it’s just that any performance he’s in is enhanced by his ability.

Watching him, it’s like he’s dreaming along with every performance – there’s a sense that he could do this in his sleep and still be better than anyone else. But when he’s really “on” there’s a brightness in his eyes and smile that betrays the energy contained within that’s bursting to be free. (Though generally one always has the impression that he’s just amused by it all!)

So obviously a classically trained dancer – I’d give anything to see him unleashed from this limited (but fun) choreography and see what he could really do as a performer.

But whether he’s doing backflips on the stage or holding a pose in complete stillness – I am in absolute awe of him.

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I know, I’m waxing way poetic here. But there is nothing in the world like someone who has complete control of their body and can express rhythm and music and emotion with it in perfect precision. It requires control, discipline and most of all a deep, deep innate talent. And he has it – and then some!

This guy is not just a dancer to me – he is a dance.

Is he your favorite performer?

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